Sunday, April 10, 2005

Hold the phones!!!

Someone's actually referenced the post on my Florida trip in their blog about Miami Beach!! I must confess I'm blown away! Here's the page where you'll find it:

How did I come across this? I googled my blog's name within quotes and, boom, there it was! Unbelievable!

"You like me! You really like me!"


Blogger Santosh Sankar said...

Woh! It's nice to hear from you, man! I was mostly suprised that you had actually come across my blog in the first place! Yeah, this blogging thing is definitely cool.

I'll definitely take up your offer next time I come down there! And of course you feel free to get in touch with me whenever you head in my direction (but why you would want to come to West Lafayette, Indiana when you are in Miami, Florida is beyond me!)

10:32 AM  

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